Stepping away from nails today & talking about another feature ;) As you may know I'm rather fond of changing up my eye colour every now & again with the help of good old contacts. As happy as I am with my baby browns, I also love how simply switching up your eye colour can automatically alter your look & enhance your eyes.
Being the avid wearer I am, I've blogged about a few lenses already, you can catch all my reviews HERE. Over the years I've experimented with different types, styles & shades, in particular having a certain fondness for the kawaii style Korean lenses that REALLY enhance the irises. However of late I find myself being drawn to more natural effect lenses. Both Klenspop & TTDEYE are favourite brands of mine whom I've purchased lenses from time & again.
Both these brands are based in Asia therefore do require time for shipping of course so when I was recently contacted by the lovely folks at Coloured Contacts to see if I wanted to give a few of their lenses a try, noting how they are not only UK based, but also boast a wide range of lenses at very good prices, I couldn't refuse!
I was kindly sent two lenses from their 90 day range to try, one pair of *Black Dolly lenses & one pair of *Green Two Tone lenses.
Both lenses came encased in their glass bottles, take care when opening these as the edges of the lid can be quite sharp, however these came away nice & easily. I also received one lens case & a bottle of contact lens solution. I LOVE that the size is 60ml, meaning it will be perfect to pack in the travel bag when flying!
So lets get to testing! I selected the Black Dolly lens to try first, to show the true effect of each, here is me with my natural eye colour first...
And here we have the Black Dolly Lens...
Ah.... you can see the Black Dolly lenses made pretty much ZERO difference to my eye colour other than to darken it even more! Haha! I confess I was a little disappointed as I thought that the silver colouring in the lens would transition on to the eye but sadly no! But hey, thats the point of testing different lenses out, you win some you lose some & I know now that these particular lenses are only suited for those with light colour eyes.
And next we have the Green Two Tone Lens...
Woah quite the difference huh? At first I was a bit thrown but after a while I actually really loved the vibrant green. I was definitely surprised at how strong a shade of green these were, expecting something a little more natural. Having said that I still love them & they were also extremely comfortable to wear.
I think with my colouring I can get away with wearing these quite casually actually & they are so fun & different so I definitely will be getting a lot of use out of these. And as mentioned both these & the Black Dolly lenses were very comfortable to wear. As I suffer from dry eyes I do need to apply eye drops but with these I actually found I didn't have to!
Coloured Contacts offer a wide range of both daily & 3 monthly lenses in a variety of styles to choose from for very affordable prices, starting from just £2.99. As I liked the Green lenses so much, I decided to purchase some Grey Two Tone lenses to try as well as I am partial to a grey eye!
When I received my Grey Two Tone lenses however, I experienced some problems wearing them, they steadfastly refused to stay in before my eyes would become sensitive & irritated! I tried everything, including storing them in fresh solution overnight, double checking the lenses weren't inside out as well as switching no effect! I emailed Coloured Contacts who were SUPER helpful & offered to refund or replace which was really kind. As I had gotten on so well before I believed I must have simply received a dud pair which I have heard can happen, so I went for the option to get a new pair...& these I'm happy to report performed with no problems & these are how they look on...
They actually remind me a lot of the Kawaii lenses I used to go for a lot & even though these are definitely a darker grey than they actually appear on the website I still really love them :)
I'm super glad to have found a UK supplier of lenses, especially if I'm ever in the need to get some urgently. FYI they also have some fun lenses perfect for Halloween! You can find Coloured Contacts range online HERE. Thanks as always for reading!
Lotsa love to ya!

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