Hello there lovely readers!
So alas we in the South East of England
finally got hit by this buggering snow! I say alas as I'm afraid I'm
a bit Scrooge like when it comes to this particular frozen element
form. Trust me when you commute by car long distance on a daily basis
you'll be the same! Fingers crossed it won't get worse but if it does hopefully it'll be when one is at home, can you imagine anything worse than
being snowed in at work? o_O
Anyhoos, today’s post is all about one of my current nail art obsessions at the moment...negative space manicures! I've been seeing them pop up here and there in the nail art world & I am seriously loving them!
And what is a negative space manicure
exactly? This latest nail trend is basically nail art which
incorporates a glimpse of your bare nail underneath in some form. So
interesting & different looking plus there's so many ways to have
fun with them!
Here I've used a V shaped manicure
guide which I placed in the centre of the nail before going over with
a coat of LA Colors Metallic Purple. Totally falling back in love with
metallics, especially with the recent release from a certain
brand you might have heard of, Models Own!
The great thing about metallics is that
you can usually get away with one coat which is ideal for this type
of mani when using a guide, as the polish needs to be still wet when
you remove them otherwise the polish will drag.
Once I'd removed my guides I then added
on some little black dots along the edge using my Barry M Nail Art
Pen before adding a final detail in the form of a pretty lilac
heart shaped rhinestone.
A slick of topcoat to seal & that's
it! Hope you liked my lovelies! :) What do you think of negative
space manicures? Thanks as always for stopping by!
Lotsa love to ya!

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